
MaterialAcceptable RecyclingUnacceptable Recycling
PaperNewspapers, magazines, newspaper inserts
PlasticsClass 1 & 2 Plastic bottles and containers.  (Look for the recycle symbol with the class number on the bottom of the bottle orcontainer.) Plastic bags, styrofoam, hard plastic
Cans - SteelClean metal food cans (no need to remove  labels)
Cans - AluminumBeverage cansTin foil containers
Glass ContainersBottles and clean food jarsBroken glass or household glass
Telephone BooksPlease put in box located in post office lobby
Plastic BagsClean plastic bags to be used by the food  bank.
CardboardNon-corrigated cardboard boxes & containers Corrigated cardboard (See Office regarding large boxes)

The Pharr Recycling Center, 1015 E. Ferguson (495), accepts many other types of recycling.
Web address:

The residents of the park are to be congratulated on your recycling effort. We take a FULL pick-up load to the recycling center each week. It is hard to believe the amount of paper that we collect each week. The Pharr Recycling Center uses our park as an example of what can be done.

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